Home Birth Photography in Parker, Colorado
I met Kristin early in her pregnancy when she contacted me about photography for the home birth of her second son. We met for coffee and immediately hit it off. We were both pregnant, so we sat and chatted about pregnancy and birth as her adorable son played around us. During the bAirth of her first son, she had to transfer from home to the hospital, and this time around she really hoped to stay at home. After 40 weeks, I checked in with Kristin and she said she had no impending signs of labor and was a little worried about when this baby could come. Little did we know then, that just over 12 hours later, she'd be holding her second son. The next morning around 7am, I got a text that Kristin had been having mild contractions since 4am. A little over an hour later, her husband called to say baby was coming, fast, and they didn't have time to fill up the birth tub. I rushed to the car and drove the 25 minutes to their house in Parker. The whole time I was worried that she'd have this baby before I made it. But I walked in the door and could hear sounds of a mom having a baby, I felt relieved! Just a short 30 minutes after I arrived, she was holding her second son in her arms. Kristin did amazing with the loving support of her husband. They were a great team, working together with such love, to bring this baby earthside.
Little Nolan was born in their bathtub, and I love to think that each time mom will bathe him there, she'll think of the story of his birth. Fast, safe, beautiful, and filled with love.