Change of Plans Hospital birth at Beaumont Hospital, Detroit Michigan
This amazing family had an empowered hospital birth at Beaumont Hospital after a home birth transfer that they didn’t expect. I left for the hospital early because there was an ice storm coming and I didn’t want to feel rushed and unsafe and I arrived as mom was settling into very early labor.
Morganne labored in her bed and in the tub in the wee hours of the night but after a few hours, early labor slowed down. Trying to not get discouraged, Morganne walked hallways, slept, ate, walked some more, and finally labor started the next evening! It was quick after that, and Morganne listened to her body and labored like a goddess. She moved in ways that felt comfortable to her and didn’t hesitate to do what felt right. The Beaumont Hospital staff gave her the space to labor freely in the tub and on the bed. At one point, she even stood right up on the bed, because she needed to! She-was-amazing!
It was time to push, and her husband wanted to catch the baby, the staff gave him the space to do so. Morganne was supported by her mother and husband, her midwife and assistant Tristany Beckwith. When her daughter came earthside, she was handed to her mom, who cuddled her immediately. I LOVE those first moments of motherhood, the instinct to touch, hold, kiss, and put your baby on your chest, it’s incredible to bear witness to it.
Take a minute to look through some of my favorite photos from her birth.
The loving care of a midwife giving a foot massage.
She’s smiling here, if you can’t tell :)
I love the smiles in labor. This is the most beautiful thing, right here.
Sometimes labor takes a while to get going and you need to talk to your sweet toddler.
When labor finally comes, it comes fast!
Mom got into the tub to relax and to take the edge off.
She felt the need to stand up often, and I love how she listens to her body and does what is necessary. All of these urges are moving baby down.
Her midwife’s assistant Tristany Beckwidth was there for the birth.
Mom holds her close as she pushes.
What an incredible birth story and loving family. I’m grateful to have been part of their birth and am always grateful when anyone invites me into their birth space. If you are interested in your story being captured, or just want to learn more, you can find more info here.